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Frequently asked questions
What time are the Friday sessions?Our Friday timetable is as follows: 5:30-6.00 .... PERCUSSION 5:30-6.30 .... EARLY MUSIC 5:45-6.30 .... JAZZ STOMPERS 5:45-6.30 .... PREMIER BAND 6.30-6.45 .... 15 MIN BREAK – all 6:45-7.30 .... JAZZ COMBO 6:45-7.30 .... MAIN BAND 7.30-7.45 .... 15 MIN BREAK – all 7.45-8.45 .... JAZZ BIG BAND 7:45-8.15 .... MAIN BAND (continued) 8:15-8.45 .... CHAMBER band 8.45 .... End – all
How much does it cost per term?Termly membership fees are listed below. Our terms are usually 12 weeks long. We review our rates annually but aim to keep them as low as we possibly can. ELCB does not wish to exclude participation due to financial barriers. If you would like to join band or continue to take part in band but cannot afford to, please get in touch, in strictest confidence, by email to We will try and accommodate your personal circumstances, if possible. EAST LONDON COMMUNITY BAND – FEES 2024 Full fee: ​£116.00 Who: Adults 30 years or older 50% fee: ​£58.00 Who: Young persons under 30 years, Adults taking part in one small band only 25% fee: ​£29.00 Who: Siblings of young persons under 30 years, Young persons under 30 years taking part in one small band only Young people's fees are heavily discounted due to generous funding from our supporters including: The Foyle Foundation, Tesco Community Grants, The Pemberton Barnes Trust, Aldgate and Allhallows Foundation and The Worshipful Company of Coopers via our Full Circle scheme.
How many bands can I join?Our membership fees are set at a flat rate regardless of the number of ensembles you join. Many people choose to participate in two groups on a Friday evening. When progressing between bands (such as moving up from the Premier Band to Main Band), members sometimes feel more comfortable playing in both for a while.
How much do lessons cost?If you'd like to learn an instrument, we offer 15 minute sessions with professional music tutors. Current fees, from September 2023 (reviewed annually) are: LESSONS 12 sessions of 15 minutes Full fee: ​£116.00 Who: Adults 30 years or older 50% fee: ​£58.00 Who: Young persons under 30 years 25% fee: ​£29.00 Who: Siblings of young persons under 30 years NOTE - LESSONS Lessons are offered on the understanding that they are a means of progressing towards joining a band, or to enhance the skill of those already playing in a band​​. Once at such a level, those having lessons only must join a band​​. The standard lesson time is 15 minutes Extra lessons​​ - Additional lessons are subject to availability. Priority is always given to those opting for only one lesson and to young persons. INSTRUMENTS At present there is no (maintenance) fee for using band instruments. Young people's fees are heavily discounted due to generous funding from our supporters including: The Foyle Foundation, Tesco Community Grants, The Pemberton Barnes Trust, Aldgate and Allhallows Foundation and The Worshipful Company of Coopers via our Full Circle scheme.
What am I committing to if I join?We perform at least once a term, and up to 3 times in the traditionally busier summer season when we receive more requests to play concerts in London and, occasionally, beyond. Whilst we are a no-audition group of ensembles, we do rely on regular attendance to deliver the best possible performances. We'd expect you to come along every Friday night to rehearse and get to know the band. We understand that people will inevitably have the occasional clash of commitments and ask that you let us know in advance. All the music directors arrange pieces tailored to the specific make up of the groups, so we rely on you showing up regularly!
What are your bank account details?Our bank account is: ​Sort Code: 40 02 20 Account: 11052640 HSBC Whitechapel Branch East London Community Band
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